Boogie query sets

Django’s ORM favors using the active record pattern (access a row at a time, wrapped into a Python object). We believe it is often a poor abstraction for using databases and can often lead to inefficient usage patterns and a poor architecture. Boogie implements a few extensions to default Django’s query set and managers APIs in order to favor more data-driven approaches.

Fancy slicing API

Boogie managers and querysets implements a fancy indexing interface inspired on Numpy and Pandas. In Boogie, we want to see the database as a 2D table of scalars instead of a collection of complex objects as is implied by the ORM.

By doing so, we loose some encapsulation, but on the other hand, it avoids a host of potential problems such as race conditions, ineffective usage patterns (specially, the N + 1 problem), coupling of business logic with storage, and doing so we often avoid some unnecessarily verbose APIs.

In order to illustrate fancy indexing in Boogie, let us start constructing a small group of elements. First the model:

Now we create a few users, saving them on the database.

john   = User.objects.create(name='John Lennon', age=25, pk=1)
paul   = User.objects.create(name='Paul McCartney', age=26, pk=2)
george = User.objects.create(name='George Harrison', age=22, pk=3)
ringo  = User.objects.create(name='Ringo Star', age=29, pk=4)

If you are familiar with Pandas, Boogie API is highly inspired by the .loc attribute of a Pandas data frame (which in its turn is similar to fancy indexing in 2D numpy arrays). The metaphor is that a Django manager or queryset represents a 2D table of values: each row corresponds to an object and each column corresponds to a field. Fancy indexing allow us to select parts of this table in ways that avoid instantiating lots of different objects.

Let us start with the simple bits. Each cell is indexed by a row and a column. We can fetch the content of a single cell like so:

>>> pk = 1
>>> User.objects[pk, 'name']
'John Lennon'

Of course we can also use an assignment statement to save/modify values in the database

>>> users = User.objects              # A simple trick to save a few key strokes
>>> users[pk, 'name'] = 'John Winston Lennon'

This prevents an unnecessary instantiation of an User object, and the overhead of calling its .save() method to hit the database. Notice this operation is carried exclusively at the database level, and any custom logic implemented in the .save() method will not be executed. In fact, we strongly discourage putting complex logic on .save(), or putting business logic in the model at all.

Boogie only activates when users use 2d indexing. This is a deliberate decision to preserve compatibility with the slicing syntax of Django query sets. Thus, in order to fetch a single row from the table we have to use the notation:

>>> users[pk, :]
<User: John Winston Lennon>
2D indices are interpreted as [rows (by pk), columns (by name)]. This is

different from Django semantics for queryset indices, which are interpreted as the positions associated to each item a set of objects.

Thus users.all()[0] returns the first element of users.all(), while users[0, :] returns the element with pk=0.

The scalar 2D access is very limited and we often want to access a group of fields of an specific row all at once. Fancy indexing comes to rescue:

>>> users[pk, ['name', 'age']]
Row('John Winston Lennon', 25)

Assignment is also supported:

>>> users[pk, ['name', 'age']] = 'John Lennon', 27

In all those examples, we are interested only on a single object/row in the database. Boogie also accepts selectors for multiple rows. Let us extract a single row from the database: for that, just use the standard Python syntax for selecting “all elements” in the row index:

>>> users[:, 'name']
<QuerySet ['John Lennon', 'Paul McCartney', 'George Harrison', 'Ringo Star']>

This call is basically an alias to Django’s ``users.values_list(‘name’, flat=True). If you are interested on more than one column, just use

>>> users[:, ['name', 'age']]                                  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<QuerySet [Row('John Lennon', 27), Row('Paul McCartney', 26), ...]>

This method returns a sequence of lists representing the selected fields from each object. In fact, each element behaves as a mutable namedtuple and data can be accessed either by position or by attribute name.

The first index may also be a list. If that is the case, it is interpreted as a sequence of primary keys that selects the desired set of rows:

>>> users[[1, 2], :]
<QuerySet [<User: John Lennon>, <User: Paul McCartney>]>

2D indexing is also accepted in many different combinations.

>>> users[[1, 2, 3], 'age']
<QuerySet [27, 26, 22]>
>>> users[[1, 3], ['age', 'name']]
<QuerySet [Row(27, 'John Lennon'), Row(22, 'George Harrison')]>

Finally, the first index can also be a queryset or a Query expression

>>> users[users.filter(age__lt=25), 'name']
<QuerySet ['George Harrison']>

This functionality is more useful and expressive when used in conjunction with Q or F-expressions:

>>> from boogie.models import F, Q
>>> users[F.age < 25, 'name']
<QuerySet ['George Harrison']>

and this also works…

>>> users[Q(age__lt=25), 'name']
<QuerySet ['George Harrison']>

F expressions can also be used to specify fields. You may find it easier to read and type than strings

>>> users[F.age < 25, [, F.age]]
<QuerySet [Row('George Harrison', 22)]>

The db object

Boogie exports an object called db that easily exposes a table-centric view for all models in your project.

>>> from boogie import db
>>> db.auth.user_model[:, 'name']
<QuerySet ['John Lennon', 'Paul McCartney', 'George Harrison', 'Ringo Star']>

It must be used with the db.<app_label>.<model_name> syntax. Under the hood, the db object calls django.apps.apps.get_model() for a model and return the default manager.

We believe that managers and query sets should be the default entry point for accessing your models. Hence, we want to easily expose the model managers instead of the model classes themselves. Boogie managers also define the .new() method as an alias to the model constructor.

Overriding query sets and managers

Implementing custom managers and querysets in Django is greatly convenient. First, the distinction between both is confusing and in most situations the manager is generated from the queryset class via a boilerplate. Not only that, but managers and querysets must be defined before the model, since we need to set the objects during class definition. This is not ideal: it is natural to expect that models should be in the topmost part of the file (and hence more convenient to browser). Models declare the structure of tables in the database, and we have almost no chance of understanding the manager methods before peeking at the model first. Boogie let us organize both classes in a more natural way:

from boogie import models
from boogie.models import F

class User(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    age = models.IntegerField()

# Manager and queryset methods
def create_teen(self, name, age=18):
    return self.create(name=name, age=age)

def advance_age(self, by=1):
    self.update(age=F.age + 1)

This arrangement prevents a few common Django anti-patterns:

Implementing table logic as class methods of the model class:
We should create predictable interfaces and the “Django way” is to put table logic in managers and querysets. Not only that, but class methods cannot be called later in a chain like standard queryset methods, which hurts the usability of our APIs.
Creating separate and
Putting all models of an app in a file and all managers in another is a poor structure: User and UserQuerySet are much more cohesive than, say, User and Group. We should split our modules by concerns and not by implementation details such as a common base class.
Manager methods in the queryset:
Creating separate managers and queryset classes involves a lot of boilerplate. The usual approach is to create a QuerySet subclass and call Manager.from_queryset() to create the corresponding Manager class. This approach makes it very tempting to move some methods that should belong exclusively into the manager (e.g., object creation patterns) to queryset to avoid an extra class declaration. Doing so is not very problematic, but would allow some spurious API usage such as obj = Model.objects.filter(age__lt=18).my_create_method(name='John', age=42). In Boogie we can mark that a method exists only in the Manager by decorating it with the boogie.models.manager_only() decorator.

Pandas integration

Sometimes SQL (or Django’s ORM) is simply not powerful enough to perform some advanced multi-row computations. Boogie query sets integrate with Pandas <>, which is a great package to perform data manipulation in table-like structures. Compared to many hand-written solutions that iterates over a sequence of objects, Pandas data frames offer simple APIs and can be much more computationally efficient than ad hoc python solutions.

All Boogie query sets have both a “dataframe()” and a “update_from_dataframe()” methods. The first returns a dataframe from queryset data:

>>> users[:, ['name', 'age']].dataframe()       # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
               name  age
1       John Lennon   27
2    Paul McCartney   26
3   George Harrison   22
4        Ringo Star   29

The second updates the database using data from a pandas dataframe. Dataframe indexes must correspond to primary keys.

>>> df = users[:, 'age'].dataframe()
>>> df['age'] += 1
>>> users.update_from_dataframe(df)
>>> users[:, ['name', 'age']].dataframe()       # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
               name  age
1       John Lennon   28
2    Paul McCartney   27
3   George Harrison   23
4        Ringo Star   30

Alternate Meta syntax and integration with model-utils and django-polymorphic

Django introduced the Meta syntax before Python 3 even existed and at that time it wasn’t possible to pass keyword arguments to class constructors. We believe that the second would be a more natural idiom in modern Python, but obviously Django cannot break this interface for backwards compatibility.

In Boogie, the Meta information can be passed either in the traditional way using the class Meta: ... convention or as keyword arguments in the model declaration:

from boogie import models

class BaseUser(models.Model, abstract=True, status=True):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    age = models.IntegerField()

Besides all the usual`Meta options`_, Boogie also allows some custom model initialization that integrates with external libraries to provide additional functionality to your models:

timeframed (bool):
Makes model a subclass of Django Model Utils TimeFramedModel. Adds start and end nullable DateTimeFields, and a timeframed manager that returns only objects for whom the current date-time lies within their time range.
timestamped (bool):
Makes model a subclass of Django Model Utils TimeStampedModel. Provides self-updating created and modified fields on any model that inherits from it.
status (bool):
Makes model a subclass of Django Model Utils StatusModel. Provides status and status_changed fields that control the current status of an instance based on a list of choices. See the documentation for more details.
soft_deletable (bool):
Makes model a subclass of Django Model Utils SoftDeletableModel. Provides field is_removed which is set to True instead of removing the instance when schedule for deletion. Entities returned in default manager are limited to not-deleted instances.
polymorphic (bool):
Makes model a subclass of PolymorphicModel, which adds an additional column ctype that tracks the actual type of each instance in a multiple table inheritance scenario.