
Boogie Users is a simple app that provides a User model similar to “django.contrib.auth” user. The only difference is that it does not use separate “first_name” and “last_name” fields, but rather join both fields into a single “name” field.

Naming patterns vary widely in different parts of the world and the “first_name”, “last_name” convention, while common in the US and some part of Europe is too restrictive for most of the world. We adopt a single “name” field for greater flexibility.


Add “boogie.apps.users” to your INSTALLED_APPS and set AUTH_USER_MODEL to “users.User”:


AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'users.User'

Abstract model

Boogie users also provides an abstract version in case you need to personalize the default User model. If that is the case, simply import the abstract model and register your model in AUTH_USER_MODEL setting:

# On your own app
from boogie.apps.users.models import AbstractUser

class MyUserModel(AbstractUser):
    # extra fields

    # extra props
    def has_university_account(self):

AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'my_accounts.MyUserModel'

There is no need (and it is a bad practice) to include “boogie.apps.users” in your INSTALLED_APPS if you just want to use the abstract model.